Technical Data



 Parameter  Description  Space requirenments
 H, mm  Height of opening  H
 h, mm  Headroom height  h>230 manual (260 mm operator )
 B, mm  Opening width  B
 A, mm  Vertical angle height  H + 110
 Ab, mm  Shaft axis height and drum height  > A + 59
 A1, mm  Vertical track height  A - 543
 A2, mm  Door working space at horizontal angle height  A - 106
 E, mm  Door operating space horizontal track length  H + 300
   Points of attachment of the horizontal  2/4
 Db, mm  Torsion spring mechanism operating space  depends of door size and weight
 S, mm  Minimum side room  120




 Parameter  Description  Space requirement
 H, mm  Opening height  H
 h, mm  Headroom height  R381 h > 420;
 R305 h > 350
 B, mm  Opening width  B
 A, mm  Vertical angle height  R381 A - H + 235;
 R305 A - H + 165
 Ab, mm  Shaft axis height and drum height  A + 97
 A1, mm  Vertical track height  R381 A - 580;
 R305 A - 490
 A2, mm  Door working space at horizontal angle height  A - 110
 E, mm  Door operating space horizontal track length  R381 - H +200
 R305 - H +250
   Point of attachment of the horizontal track to the ceiling
 (depends of door size )
 Db, mm  Torsion spring mechanism operating space  depends of door size and weight
 S, mm  Minimum side room  120
 Q, mm  Side room for shaft when electric operation  300



 Parameter  Description  Space requirement
 H,mm  Opening height  H
 h, mm  Headroom height  > H + 500
 B, mm  Opening width  B
 A, mm  Vertical angle height  2H +  120
 Ab, mm  Shaft axis height and drum height  A + 166
 A1, mm  Vertical track height  H
 S, mm  Minimum side room  120
 Q, mm  Side room for shaft when electric operation  300
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